Wrapping up year

Oh my gosh! This year passed. Not so quickly. So many things happened. I promised to write a lot but a life changing start of the year followed by tragic events.. Anyway, now I am tired and little bit depressed. Only thing that cheers me up is Christmas on the corner. This year, very first…

Listening a cry, witnessing tears without seeing them

This was my first time, hearing him crying that heavily. We had an argument last night. Actually it was my silence cry that commenced everything. I wrote 2 pages of my feelings and gave him. That sounds so immature I know but I am also vulnerable nowadays. I cannot speak, communicate my feelings without crying…..

Goodbye 30

I fulfilled 30 years on earth. As a human, woman, Middle Eastern, heart broken, hardworking, standing alone for herself, frightened, misunderstood, beloved, loving creature… I love the journey. Each year it gets harder, so the pleasure I got become more…. I did not feel the years of 20s, I lived every second of my 20s…

Wait to write about feelings and future

I have lost my inner-peace. Don’t ask why , I lost. This lost inner-peace leaks in each conversation with my husband. I do not like his family, I do not find him beautiful, I cannot see any chemistry between us. Even writing the sentences above took grand time for me. Because writing about my feelings,…

Notes and questions to myself

This bouquet is beautiful. Isn’t it ? What is beauty ? Who is beautiful ? How come humans cannot be objective on such a measurable matter ? If your face is symmetric and proportional , you are beautiful. I mean informatics said like that. At my university, I attended a master thesis study that proves…

Jealousy Question

I am a jealous person in general. I can be jealous of a smile, a dinner date, a like on instagram . But this jealousy is not limited with my boyfriend, husband. It could be my mom, my dad, my manager, my neighbour ?! So sometimes I believe this is pathetic and I need a…

Ex anniversary 

Ankara, the city i was born.  The city , 10 years ago today my first love has begun.  This bar – art gallery now I am sitting with my boyfriend , who I see a bright future with…  But remember, life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans 

Leap day, snowboard day, what the hell I am doing day ?

Leap day begun with a bad dream but remained ok . Indeed it was peaceful day .  Yesterday according to an event in bursa dont know whether it is universal or not it was world snowboard day     They put snacks and drinks on snowboards . Cool and cold 🙂  I went out with…

What is wrong with me

Last night I made a huge fight with my boyfriend. And we break up. I started the fight. Since I came back peaceful feelings remote in me. I demand so much from him, I start the fight. I am wrong on that way. But he also said that he does not love me anymore. What…


… Peace and love. These pavement at public house of Nilüfer (my hometown)Details in daily life made me smile. In different languages love and peace exist. Love and peace exist. A good reminder